RRBC’s Marlena Smith


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Please check out Marlena Smith’s Website today:  Life As I Know It

Website:  www.mylife428.wordpress.com

Here is “All About Marlena” in her own words:

First and foremost, you should know that I am a Christian. I’ve been a Christian my entire life and was fortunate enough to have a preacher as a father, which helped to shape me into who I am today. (Hopefully that’s a good thing!)

As you’ll see in this blog, I am a writer at heart, a reader of words, a student of life, a believer of the impossible, and a dreamer with hope. I believe in making the most of every day. I believe that purpose and reason is behind every good and bad thing that happens to us. I believe that dreams are essential to a happy and full life and, more importantly, you should never stop chasing those dreams.

The bottom line? Who knows what you’ll get to read on my blog! This is my life, my story, and my journey. The possibilities are limitless.


Marlena has all of her book reviews and buy links on her site!  This is a fabulous spot to get her take on many great reads.

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